Source code for send_the_raven.utils

from random import getrandbits, random
from typing import Iterable, TypeVar, Any

T = TypeVar("T")

[docs]def generate_id(extra_string="") -> str: """ Generate random ID. Never spits out the same output. Args: extra_string (str): extra string to make it more random. """ return (f"%010x{extra_string}{random()}" % getrandbits(60))[:15]
[docs]def split_into_n_elements(data: Iterable[T], n_element: int = 5) -> list[list[T]]: """ Split iterable into n_element lists. Args: data (Iterable[T]): Iterable to be slice. n_element (int): how many element will be in each list Returns: list[list[T]]: list of list with n_element """ data_list = list(data) return [data_list[i : i + n_element] for i in range(0, len(data_list), n_element)]
[docs]def clean_string(input: Any) -> str: """ Clean address string. Remove extra spaces. Args: input: any variable to be converted to string and cleaned. Returns: str: cleaned string """ return ' '.join(f'{input}'.split())